Información general

Bellaverde means, in Italian, "beautiful green" and it is there, in the region of Calabria in Italy where it has its origin and, due to it, it was thought convenient to give it that name.

It has a small foil very similar to that of broccoli and a stem similar to that of an asparagus. The secret of its sweetness is in the sunlight. When the main head of broccoli has been harvested, new outbreaks develop which, after 10 days, are ready to be harvested. Sprouts grow above the plant so they can catch sunlight, which, together with their rapid growth, give shoots their attractive green color and distinctive flavor and texture.

Sweet taste in the United Kingdom is a food that enjoys great popularity, hence a superfood.


There is no other vegetable that provides more nutrients than bellaverde. It is known as the superbrócoli and is that the flowers of the upper part count on more fiber, proteins and minerals than the broccoli.

This hybrid contains calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. It is also rich in glucosinalates, an anticancer compound, in addition to fatty acids such as a-linolenic.

Several scientific studies have confirmed that it is a great ally in the prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as in the formation of cataracts. On the other hand, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties, even more than broccoli. Specifically, it is proven to be good for preventing colon, lung and stomach cancers.